As the years have passed Case has developed quite a list of patterns, many unique. Some patterns although hard to find now, can be identified by the pattern number on the blade. Below is a complete list of Case pattern numbers, past and current. Enjoy.
Pattern #/ Pattern Name
01 Pen
07 Mini Trapper
08 Half Whittler
011 Pruner’s Knife
15 Gunstock
18 Med. Stockman
20 Peanut
25-1/2 Sm. Coke Bottle
27 Sm. Stockman
33 Sm. Stockman
37 Sod Buster Jr.™
38 Sod Buster™
39 Sowbelly
40 Dogleg Trapper
43 Grand Daddy Barlow
44 Med. Stockman
45 Camper’s Knife
47 Stockman
48 Slimline Trapper
49 Copperhead
50 Elephant’s Toe
050 Lg. Coke Bottle
51 Lg. Trapper
052 Congress
54 Trapper
54 HB Hobo
56 Tuxedo
59 Lg. Lockback
63 Eisenhower
65 Folding Hunter
Pattern # Pattern Name
TH65 Mini Folding Hunter
70 Sleeveboard
75 Lg. Stockman
83 Whittler
031 Electrician’s Knife
032 Med. Stockman
056 Sm. Lockback
059 Sm. Lockback
85 Doctor’s Knife
087 Med. Stockman
92 Lg. Tx. Toothpick
09-1/2 Barlow
094 Med. Tx. Toothpick
096 Sm. Tx. Toothpick
109 Mini Copperhead
131 Canoe
132 Baby Butterbean
20-1/2 Trapper Nut
225L Sm. Lockback
300L Lockback
310L Lockback
405L Caliber Lockback
549L Lg. Copperhead
56L Lockback
749L Mini CopperLock™
953L RussLock™
62156 Tuxedo
6355WH Seahorse Whittler
6111-1/2L Cheetah